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Membership can mean:

  • Increase your knowledge of and participation in legislative and advocacy activities at the local/state level.
  • Increase involvement in the legislative arena to improve the quality of pediatric practice and the welfare of children in Utah.
  • Build coalitions with other organizations working toward improving children's health and well-being.
  • Promote the interests of Utah pediatricians within the American Academy of Pediatrics.
  • Help set and contribute to the goals of IPS/AAP Utah Chapter and its committees in your areas of interest.
  • Attend leadership development and professional enhancement courses.
  • Network with other pediatricians with similar interests, find new interests, and learn about others.
  • Expand local membership participation and influence in national AAP affairs.
  • Receive The Growing Times newsletter and other informative mailings.
  • Attend CME meetings and annual scientific conference sponsored by the IPS/AAP Utah Chapter.
  • Participate in learning collaboratives to improve the quality of health care delivered.
  • Prepare yourself for the future role of the pediatrician in the health care system and practice management.
What has the Intermountain Pediatric Society/AAP Utah Chapter done lately for kids, pediatricians and me?
  • Child Advocacy:
    • Community Access to Child Health - Five CATCH grants for development/implementation of community-based child health initiatives were awarded this year.
    • Safe & Healthy Families - Sponsor outreach program designed to connect providers with Primary Children's child protection team. Meetings are held in doctor's offices to present resources and services available, as well as discuss abuse/neglect issues and cases.
    • Childhood Obesity - Work continues to focus on legislation eliminating school vending machines, developing standards for all schools on appropriate/nutritional foods and their availability, and seeking appropriate reimbursement for care of obese patients.
    • Reach Out & Read - Increased Utah sites from 9 to 22 with six more pending.
    • Smoke-Free Homes Project - Instituted program to train providers in effective methods to reduce children's secondhand smoke exposure, including counseling parents, education in changing clinical systems/practices and community advocacy.

  • Community Involvement:
    • Buckle Up for Love - Assisted Utah Safety Council in campaign promoting child safety seat and seat belt usage.
    • Healthy Kids Day - Participated in event to assist low income, uninsured families in finding local programs and resources that provide prescription medicines for free or nearly free.
    • Infant Immunization Week - Kicked off campaign reminding parents the importance of childhood immunizations.
    • Cover the Uninsured Week - Participated in press conferences, media interviews, and health fairs. Advocated expansion of health insurance coverage and SCHIP reauthorization. Released in cooperation with the Utah Health Cooperative a proposal for covering uninsured with sustainable financing.

  • Healthcare Access & Delivery
    • Utah Pediatric Council - Organized Council to enhance communication between providers, insurers and state agencies. Efforts are currently focused on immunization access, education and reimbursement, as well as pediatric representation on insurance carrier boards.
    • Medical Home - Collaborated with the Utah Department of Health and the University Department of Pediatrics to enhance primary care providers' care for children with special health care needs through the Utah Medical Home Integrated Services Project and ongoing development of the MedHomePortal providing information, tools and resources.
    • Pediatric Practice Managers Group (PMG) - Provided opportunities for practice managers to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of practices, as well as the quality of care provided to children. A half-day session on coding and reimbursement was also held in conjunction with the IPS/Chapter annual scientific conference.
    • Immunizations - Distributed to members tip sheets, newsletter articles and strategies to improve immunizations and preventives services. Hosted PMG meeting focused on improving immunization rates. Conducted UPIQ learning collaborative on immunizations.

  • Health Care Provider Education and Research
    • Regional CME Meetings - Hosted CME meetings in Logan, Ogden, Provo and St. George area.
    • 29th Annual Common Problems in Pediatrics - Over 158 attendees earned valuable CME credits, networked with colleagues, updated skills and techniques, and heard the latest from experts in the field of pediatrics! Next year's conference is scheduled June 2-4, 2008.
    • PROS - Participated in Pediatric Research in the Office Settings studies and Utah Pediatric Practice Based Research Network. Over 56 members have designed and completed work on more than 20 projects in pediatric primary care.
    • Utah Pediatric Partnership to Improve Healthcare Quality (UPIQ) - Offered learning collaboratives to practices in quality improvement efforts on maternal depression screening/referral, pediatric oral health screening/intervention, developmental/mental health screening, transitioning children with disabilities through the medical home and improving immunization delivery. Showcased UPIQ's accomplishments at the NICHQ annual meeting, AAP medical home training sessions, and IPS/Chapter's annual scientific conference.
    • Electronic Health Record Toolkit - Distributed to interested members a toolkit to assist in implementing an electronic health record.

  • Legislative
    • SCHIP Reauthorization - Actively involved in advocating for Federal reauthorization of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Meetings have been held with Utah's congressional leaders and staff to urge support of SCHIP, as well as conducted press conferences, media interviews, letters to the editor and coalition building.
    • Child Advocacy Forum - Sponsored a Child Advocacy forum with State Legislators to discuss emerging child health issues and how to advocate for children and pediatricians.
    • 2007 Utah Legislative Session - Actively involved in providing testimony at legislative hearings/committee meetings, worked face-to-face daily with legislators, and provided child advocacy training to residents and medical students. Efforts were influential in securing funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Utah Birth Defects Network, Baby Watch Early Intervention Program, Medicaid access, and Foster Care Health Care.
    • Healthcare Reform in Utah - Actively working with government officials, various agencies and organizations on healthcare reform in Utah, including Utah Healthcare Alliance, Utah Medical Association Task Force for Access to Healthcare, Utah Health Policy Project, and the United Way Healthcare Work Group.

  • Membership
    • Member Survey - Conducted survey of members and potential members to learn how the IPS/Chapter can better meet the needs of the pediatric community and how to improve and strengthen our organization.
    • Young Physicians Grant - Secured AAP grant to support five CME regional lectures. Feedback from attendees has been helpful in developing strategies to involve more young physicians in the IPS/Chapter.
    • Annual Dinner Meeting - Scheduled Thurs., Nov. 8, 2007, 6:30 pm social followed by dinner at the University Park Marriott in Salt Lake City. Fan Tait, MD, Director of AAP Department of Community and Specialty Pediatrics, presented Who's Keeping America's Promise to Children. Linda Book, M.D., recipient of the 2007 Marty Palmer Service to Children Award, was honored.
    • Glasgow Visiting Professor - Gary Freed, MD, Director, Division of General Pediatrics and Director, Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Michigan Health System, has been named the 2008 Glasgow Visiting Professor. On Thurs., March 6, 2008, Dr. Freed will present at Primary Children's pediatric grand rounds, a resident noon conference and the IPS/Chapter dinner meeting.
    • AAP Committees - Members serving on AAP national committees include Armand Antommaria, MD, Committee on Bioethics; Nancy Murphy, MD, Committee on Children with Disabilities; and Jack Dolcourt, MD, Committee on Continuing Medical Education; Carrie Byington, MD, Committee on Infectious Diseases; and Gordon Glade, MD, Steering Committee on Quality Improvement and Management.
    • Seniors - Activities focus on meeting with legislators, public service, and participation in IPS/Chapter activities.
    • Residents - Sponsor attendance at IPS/Chapter events, meetings and activities at no charge. Offer tuition discount to encourage resident attendance at annual scientific conference.
    • Medical Students - Sponsored a medical student outreach project focused on pediatrics as career. Members also participated in the annual Pediatric Career Day luncheon, offering perspectives on pediatrics for medical students.
    • Recruitment and Retention - Recruited 4 new members; reactivated 9. Retention activities include CME regional meetings, dinner meetings and social gatherings, annual scientific conference, newsletter, and awards. Opportunities for child advocacy and promotion of pediatrics are ongoing.
    • Communication - The Growing Times, newsletter is distributed quarterly, as well as other informative mailings/emails to members; website at

Annual Dues: $100

Membership in the national AAP is not required for membership in the Intermountain Pediatric Society / American Academy of Pediatrics Utah Chapter.
Join Today!

For more information:
Cathy Oyler, Executive Director
Email: [email protected]
Office: 801/968-3411


Copyright © 2001 - 2024 Intermountain Pediatric Society / American Academy of Pediatrics Utah Chapter. All Rights Reserved.
3029 Holderhill Lane, Salt Lake City, UT 84118 | Phone: 801/968-3411 | Fax: 801/968-2616 | Email: [email protected]