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    Legislative Update

Consider What's Best for Kids Health & Wellbeing

The 2008 Legislative Session begins January 21, and continues through March 5, 2008. A key issue to be addressed during the upcoming session is Health Insurance Reform. The Legislature will consider several proposals to expand access to health insurance and other coverage for health care costs. These proposals may include efforts to make certain types of coverage portable and more affordable.

Another key issue to be addressed is immunizations. Most children in Utah have immunizations subsidized by health insurance or VFC. However, 11% of Utah's children are underinsured and ineligible for VFC. Their parents are employed, but their insurance covers only some of the immunizations. Last year, the Department of Health allocated some of their flexible funds (CDC 317 funds) and one-time funding from the State to purchase extra doses at federal pricing and funneled those doses to underinsured children by way of the VFC system. Since the Governor did not request these funds in his budget, the Legislature will need to authorize an additional $1 million to ensure every child has real access to these protections. Please contact your Legislators and urge them to provide funding for immunizations. To find your Legislators and contact information, click on

For more information on IPS/AAP Utah Chapter legislative priorities contact:
Chuck Norlin, MD
Immediate Past President & Legislative Chair
Email: [email protected]
Office: 801/581-5239

Advocacy in Action

Your voice will make a difference! Click on the tools below to learn how-to become more involved in advocacy activities critical to the passage of state laws that benefit Utah's children and their families.


Copyright © 2001 - 2024 Intermountain Pediatric Society / American Academy of Pediatrics Utah Chapter. All Rights Reserved.
3029 Holderhill Lane, Salt Lake City, UT 84118 | Phone: 801/968-3411 | Fax: 801/968-2616 | Email: [email protected]