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    Pediatric Managers Group

Click on: PMG Membership Application

In 2002, the Intermountain Pediatric Society/AAP Utah Chapter approached pediatric practice managers to form a professional networking and education association. This group became the Intermountain Pediatric Society Pediatric Managers Group (PMG)

The PMG is led by a volunteer Steering Committee who meets to discuss the business of the group and plan the educational programs. Vicky Lyon ([email protected]), Administrator at Bearcare Pediatrics, serves as the PMG President. The PMG continues to work closely with the Intermountain Pediatric Society/AAP Utah Chapter on issues relevant to pediatric practices. Membership is open to all pediatric practice managers, administrators and staff. Annual member dues are $25.

What are the benefits of pediatric practice managers group to…

Practice Managers
  • Increased knowledge.
  • Increased ability to network.
  • Professional support from colleagues who understand the day-to-day challenges.
  • Job satisfaction through development.
  • Timely information.
Practicing Pediatrician
  • Better-educated, supported and knowledgeable practice manager.
  • Improved ability to keep informed of pediatric-specific practice issues on a timely basis.
  • Ability to participate in surveys and receive information/results back.
  • Opportunity to improve overall staff competency.
Purpose of Pediatric Practice Managers Group
  • To promote expertise and efficiencies in the pediatric offices and to foster educational and professional development in health-related and management fields for those who manage pediatric practices.
For more information, contact Cathy Oyler, IPS/AAP Utah Chapter Executive Director, at [email protected] or call 801/968-3411.

Annual Meeting

Members attend free-of-charge a half-day Pediatric Managers Session held in conjunction with the Common Problems in Pediatrics Conference. This conference is scheduled June 2-4, 2008 (PMG meeting date to be determined) at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah. Mark your calendars and plan to join us. A meeting brochure will be mailed to your office.

Spring & Fall Meetings

In addition to the annual meeting, a spring and fall meeting are held each year. These meetings provide an excellent opportunity to meet and network with other pediatric practice managers facing similar issues and challenges, as well as exchange ideas and obtain current updates. Topics presented at past meetings include:
  • Coding and Reimbursement
  • Customer Service Strategies
  • Tips for Improving Employee Management
  • Utah Pediatric Partnership to Improve Healthcare Quality Project
  • Materials Management
  • Synagis and FluMist
  • Office Management Policies and Procedures
  • Tele-Consultation
  • Immunization Expense and Updates
  • What Makes a Manager Great
  • Successfully Marketing Your Practice
  • USISS: How to incorporate it into your office and tips for better use
If you wish to volunteer as a committee member or provide suggested topics, please contact Vicky Lyon at [email protected].


Copyright © 2001 - 2024 Intermountain Pediatric Society / American Academy of Pediatrics Utah Chapter. All Rights Reserved.
3029 Holderhill Lane, Salt Lake City, UT 84118 | Phone: 801/968-3411 | Fax: 801/968-2616 | Email: [email protected]